Technologies is a professional flash web
site design and flash development company.
We provide complete php, e-commerce, search
engine optimization, and detailed custom web
development as well. One of our specialties
is high impact custom flash animations and
design for the web, tutorial applications,
product presentations, and other promotional
uses. Our services include e-commerce,
database development, hosting, flash design,
multimedia, 3d modeling, and custom services
for individuals, companies, and other web
development firms throughout the Bangladesh,
United States and Canada.
Professional Flash Design
Development and
Internet Promotion Services
Affordable Lease Solutions
Based upon 12 month Lease
Custom flash web site design and
Dynamic flash content
Professional Animations or
movies for use on your existing
web site
Flash Intro's
Industry specific web templates
Product Presentations and
training movies
Web Logo Design (flash only)
Standard HTML sites and content
management systems
Matching HTML pages for any
flash site
Pay Per Click Keyword Research,
Set Up, and Bid Management
Business Card Design
Dynamic Flash Photo Gallery (s)
Professional Search Engine
Keyword Research
Header and Navigation menu for
your existing web site
Custom flash web site design and
Dynamic flash content
Professional Animations or
movies for use on your existing
web site
Flash Intro's
Industry specific web templates
Product Presentations and
training movies
Web Logo Design (flash only)
Standard HTML sites and content
management systems
Matching HTML pages for any
flash site
Pay Per Click Keyword Research,
Set Up, and Bid Management
Business Card Design
Dynamic Flash Photo Gallery (s)
Professional Search Engine
Keyword Research
Header and Navigation menu for
your existing web site
We are a complete
web site development and professional flash design
Our professional flash designers are focused on
customer satisfaction and results for every client.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our web site and
please contact us for a quote on your project. Our
most visited page in the site is "Flash Portfolio
Links and Web Sites in Production". This page lists
many of our existing sites as well as those still in
production. The list below outlines our design
services. If you don't find what your looking for
Click Here to Contact a Flash Professional online.
Designed Flash Animations, Intro &Banners:
animations are great when done right to draw
attention to a specific product or service (flash
banners), lead your potential client to contact you,
or just to persuade them with liveliness to continue
into your web site (flash intro). Flash design can
be used to create moving elements, which are then
embedded within your Web site to add an edge to the
overall image and effectiveness of your design and
message. A flash header or flash based menu gives a
professional and interactive feel to your web site
without distracting your site visitor. Flash can
also be used to build an entire website. Though full
flash websites are not great for search engines,
when SEO is not a concern such a website could
impress a visitor much more than standard php bases
web sites. And now you can provide dynamic
interactivity through the use of action scripts.
Even content management system (CMS) for a full
flash website is not impossible now. QC can use php
as server side language, mysql as database and
provide a graphical WHYSIWYG back end (CMS) to
manage the contents of your full flash website! In
recent days QC has completed several Flash CMS
projects that deploys this technique to manage the
contents of a FULL flash website from a graphical
back end developed with php/mysql and XML.
CD brochure
or digital multimedia presentation:
To fly along with this technological age, why not
use a digital brochure to describe, explain, and
promote your products and services?
- Fill up
your CD brochure with as much information
with stunning graphics and animation as
possible. Our expert animation artists are
here to ensure that your CD brochure will be
something your clients will collect and
- Show your
entire product line and service categories.
- Let us
make a live video clip of your outlet and
show your clients what they are missing.
- Send this
brochure abroad. If you import products, the
CD brochures are bound to increase your
sales by 20 to 30 percent.
- CD
brochures will not only show your products
but will describe your company history and
objectives. How better to improve your
- Most of
all you will stand out as different,
efficient, and technology oriented among
your competitors.
All our flash
templates and flash intros are fully working
templates with enabled buttons, links and action
scripts, not just nice-looking graphic designs. We
also have proven track records in providing
real-world, one-stop custom solutions to meet our
clients various multimedia presentation, ecommerce
and web site development needs. |